My latest news, articles and reflections.

Monday, August 14, 2017

The treacherous alliance that brought war to Yemen

12:04 PM Posted by Ala No comments
Among various Arab Spring countries, Yemen was hailed as an exemplar to a good transition. The world was impressed that the region’s no 1 country with the largest arms per capita has not succumbed into a civil war like Syria or Libya. Despite limited armed clashes here and there, the image was far positive than initial expectations of how an armed society may turn into. In Nov 2011 and after numerous cycles of negotiations, Yemen’s longest serving president Saleh officially handed power to his deputy Hadi in exchange for an immunity from legal prosecution for his time in office. This was known as the GCC initiative and it succeeded largely because Saudi Arabia was the main the broker of the deal –an oil-rich neighbor that enjoys tremendous leverage in Yemen. Unlike other turbulent countries like Libya and Syria, the international community has largely delegated Yemen’s issue to its Gulf partners. Hadi assumed his presidency officially after single-candidate nation-wide elections in Feb 2012 that served the purpose of a referendum. His period was set to 2-years in which a national dialogue would start, military would be reshuffled and prepare the country for post-transition period. Although security and economic performance initially improved, the transition period did not go as planned. The transitional government ( half of which came from Saleh's GPC Party)  led by veteran Basindwa faced many difficulties that rendered it ineffective. Meanwhile Houthis were advancing from their stronghold Saadah until they reached Amran- the gateway city to Sanaa.  Until this point, Saleh-Houthi alliance was not clear. A good number of people dismissed it as mere "conspiracy theory talk". Nevertheless, Saleh and Houthi leaders faced UN sanctions for stalling transition  but this move only infuriated Saleh and his allies- which in turn facilitated the coup against Hadi and his regime with Houthis entering and controlling the capital city Sanaa in Sep 21 2016 with full support and documented coordination with Saleh. 

Despite the fact it was on Sep 21st that Houthis usurped power in Yemen by means of force, it was until few months later that full-scale war broke out. In March 2015, Houthis and Saleh decided to  get rid of Hadi after he escaped his house arrest and fled to Aden, the southern part of the country, taking it as his refuge and a temporary capital to restore his authority. It is widely believed that without the very existence of this treacherous Houthi-Saleh alliance, the coup against Hadi would have not been taken place and the whole war would not have materialized except for short-lived clashes here and there. However the reasons behind the dismissal reports about the existence of such alliance is rooted in the fact that Saleh and Houthis had fought against other fierce 6 wars between 2004-2010. The memories of these wars are still vivid- thousands of human casualties, displaced families, traumatized kids and shattered local agrarian economy. We can watch video records in Youtube of  Saleh attacking the Houthis and accusing them to have links with Iran and aiming to restore the Imam-led monarchy that pre-existed the republican regime in North Yemen. He repeatedly described them as thugs and vandals of public and private property in Sadah. In turn, the Houthis consistently called Saleh a corrupt tyrant and accused him of being a traitor serving Saudi. Israeli and US interests. Not surprisingly, the Houthis joined the 2011 peaceful protests, which demanded the fall of Saleh’s regime like other Arab Spring countries.

Only very hardcore realists who subscribe to the notion that “ there’s no such thing in politics as  permanent allies or permanent enemies" could anticipate such move. Nevertheless, it was a technically necessary alliance as both Saleh and Houthis needed each other. Sales is powerful however he is a signatory of the GCC initiative. He already handed power and any direct attempts to overthrow Hadi from his side would only jeopardize his immunity, assets and the future political career for his son and other close associates. That is why he was very delicate and secretive in his dealings with the Houthis. The Houthis on the other hand have displayed opposition to the outcomes of the national dialogue and were not happy with the GCC initiative in the first place, ironically accusing it for saving the "dictator" and stripping the "revolution" from its essence.  Given that Saleh cannot overtly lead a coup and Houthis being unable to highhandedly dethrone Hadi's regime without Saleh's resources and contacts, their alliance was politically inevitable despite all the odds.

 Despite being treacherous in nature instigating civil strife and war, Saleh and Houthi alliance is a good manifestation of prudent play of politics. In fact, without the Saudi-led coalition intervention, it would have been very capable of crushing its opponents and it would have taken effective control of the country marking a post-Hadi era. Some observers say that the Saudi-led air campaign has unintentionally strengthened  Saleh-Houthi alliances as both sides found a common enemy knowing that they can't survive without the full cooperation and coordination with each other. Also, if such campaign did not start in the first place, it is very possible that they will fight each other until one is able to eliminate the other and monopolized power. However we can only speculate on what could have happened if some events turned differently. But we can't deny the fact that Saleh and the Houthis formed a formidable alliance. In short, they complement each other as they fill what each lacks – ideology for Saleh and state experience for Houthis. Saleh is a master of politics and has ruled the country utilizing his "dancing over the snakes" tactics. His pragmatism allows him to be flexible and work with his former enemies as long as he gets out victorious and crush rivals who currently threaten his power. However Houthis fight a holy war. Just like alQaeda and ISIS, the Houthis consider their fighters to be martyors for God and Islam. They call their movement al-Miserah alQuraniyah ( The Quranic March) and they prefer to call themselves as Ansarallah ( Supporters of God ) rather than the Houthis as the later is associated with a family rather than a political and social project.  Also, Houthis know that they can't capture the Yemeni state without coordination with Saleh as his men dominate both the military and bureaucracy. Of course, both Saleh and Houthis know that sooner or later they will have to clash however until that time comes, they will manage to find other local and foreign allies.      

Sunday, February 22, 2015

And here I am back!

2:49 AM Posted by Ala No comments
Time goes fast and here I am approaching my graduation. I have just started my last semester and I have a good feeling it will be a fine semester despite the fact I am taking 8 courses. This is by far the most number of courses I have taken so far. This semester is also important as I have some resolutions to fulfill by the end of the semester. These include ..
* Full commitment to my courses. Doing all readings on time, maximum attendance and participation. Being ready to exams before time and observing deadlines for papers and presentations
* Improve my skills in statistics and research methods as they are cornerstone to my academic career later on
* Spend time daily for Turkish
* Participation in conferences inside and outside the school
* Applying for programs that I can take part in
* Establish a better relationship with professors with office visits and side-talks.
* Keep up with my daily dose of reading. 50 Pages before I go to bed which roughly equals to one book a week.
* Look for a part-time work that helps me earn extra cash
* Work on my bad habits, addictions and other personal problems that I may have.
* Improve the spiritual aspect of my life. Give, love and be kind.
* Reflect on what I did during the day and whatever I accomplished or things that I may not have done well.
* Keep in touch more with family, friends and colleagues.

This seems a long list of things to accomplish yet I believe this is the last chance I have to work on those things otherwise I will regret later. Since I started my undergraduate studies in Istanbul, I have definitely have more self-awareness however to be honest with myself, there was little that I actually did. I think my Lord has blessed with a great mind that can think right however I am not using my capacity. Those successful people around are not necessarily the smartest in the world. They just have good habits and we are the sum of our habits. I have always asked myself how Ala could be if I could maintain good habits in addition to the gift of mind that my Lord has given me? I am sure it will be magnificent. I have tried many times what it would be like to be lazy so it is time to try what it would be like to be super hardworking. The whole world expects something from me. My family, my future wife, my children, my friends, my company, society at large, my country and the whole world.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Day : 30.12.2014

2:43 AM Posted by Ala No comments
Here I am starting to write down my thoughts and diary only two days before the new year starts. Why this late? Well, actually I had thought many times to start doing so but I keep postponing lots of things. And one of the things I wanted to change is to stop postponing so here I am writing my first thing in this diary. My diary will be simple. Things I did, things I learned, the mistakes I repeated and little things I accomplished.
I woke up at 9.03. My morning class actually starts at 9.00 but this week I decided not to set my alarm and only wakes up without an alarm. I got ready quickly and made it to class at 9.20. The lecture was about Greek-Turkey territorial water conflict so there was new stuff I learned professor Berdal Aral. Later, I had my breakfast at 10.30 with my friend Abdinasir. He paid for it as I had left my card with another friend who brought it to me afternoon. I spend some time later in the library reading a chapter on Ibn Khaldun so that I can write a summary paper on it.
My only other class started at 3.00 and the professor Ibrahim Şenay made a quick review of the materials that will be covered in the final exam. Also I broke the ice with a classmate so I will have one classmate less of whom I never had a minimum interaction with. I am happy for this thing. From the classes today, I realised that I have to catch up with a lot of reading materials so that I can ace the exams :)

Anyway it was pretty cold today. It was the first day of snow and I hardly could move from one place. I had my dinner with friends Yassir and Yahya. Yahya explained his insomnia problems and it has caused some disruptions in his life. I suggested that he should share his experinces with others people could be learning a lot from what has to say :)

Later, I went to cafe more my usual chat place. I have my cup of tea and enjoy the discussions. My compatriote Saleh says that I am a complicated person and criticises me for questioning things people take for granted. I was thinking that I should change the way I speak with him and should argue less. I will try my best

Now it is past midnight and I am still working on a paper that I have to submit tomorow. As always I do my papers last minute and that is why I end up staying up late, skipping classes or turning the assignments late. This is something I will work on next semester. I will try to finish my papers before the deadlines so that I do not stress myself to finish them last night before they are due.

Before I finish, I would like to mention I introduce a new member to Trivia Crack community. His name is Hamza Bayram and from a first impression I can see his knowledge is quite sound. His was getting most of the questions accurately. I feel accomplished for popularizing this game among my peers. We are almost 10 now and more to come :)

Good night Ala

Sunday, August 10, 2014

النفس و القران : تجربة الحلوى

3:30 AM Posted by Ala No comments
قبل حوالي نصف قرن من الان اجرى الباحث في علم النفس البوفيسور ولتر ميشيل عدة تجارب لدراسة الاشباع المتأخر للرغبات و اثارها على الاداء العام للافراد.في هذه التجارب خير كل من الاطفال المشاركين في الدراسة بين قطعة حلوى يحصلون عليها حالا او قطعتين في حين انهم انتظر الى ان يعود المختبر بعد حوالي ١٥ دقيقة. نتائج الدراسات. وجد فريق البحث - بعد مرور فترة من الزمن - ان الاطفال الذين قاوموا رغبة الحصول على الحلوى في الحال و حصلوا على القطعتين يتمتعوا بنتائج افضل مقارنة بالاطفال الاخرين في جوانب عدة منها الاداء الاكاديمي ،الانضباط ، و الصحة .
الحياة مليئة بالرغبات و الله عز وجل قد يحرم بعضها و يحل بعضها لانه الادرى بمصلحتك و سعادتك على المدى الطويل.
قال تعالى ( وَلَلآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لَّكَ مِنَ ٱلأُولَىٰ )

Thursday, August 7, 2014

الوطن بين خيانة السياسي و اهمال المواطن!

9:34 PM Posted by Ala No comments

منذ بداية دراستي الجامعية شكل تصفح المواقع الاخبارية اليمنية  جزء رئيسي من روتيني في اليومي حيث انه يستحيل ان تمر 24 ساعة  بدون تصفح الاخبار او الاطلاع على العناويين على الأقل. اخبار مزعجة و حزينة تملىء المواقع الاخبارية  كل يوم و كأن الله قدر التعاسة على اهل هذا البلد الطيب. .تحديات امنية  و اقتتال هنا و هناك. اقتصاد منهار و غلاء اسعار و ارتفاع نسب البطالة في كل ربوع البلاد. تدهور واضح  في الخدمات العامة سواء في المكاتب الحكومية او المراكز الخدمية و المؤسسات التعليمية و الاكاديمية و الصحية و غيرها . و كلما زادت حدة الأزمات السياسية لكما سائت الاوضاع اكثر و اكثر.  " ازمة بترول" " انقطاع كهرباء " اشتباكات مسلحة "  "هجوم ارهابي" تحولت الى  كلمات مفتاحية في المواقع الاخبارية ! في بداية 2011 و مع بداية ما كان يعرف بالربيع العربي  كنت شخصيا من المتفائلين على الرغم من أن كثير من اصدقائي و معارفي كانوا ضمن المشككين. حجتهم ان جزء من منظومة الفساد هي نفسها من مسكت زمام ثورة التغيير. الان بعد مرور اكثر من عامين ونص هل اعترف انهم على صواب وكنت واهما في مثل هذا الارتقاب؟

كل تطورات الاحداث من بعد 2011 تعطي تفسير لماذا مشروع الدولة لم يقوم في اليمن - على الاقل الى الان
اولا: اوهمت قيادات قيادات معارضة علي صالح من الاحزاب و الشباب ان علي صالح كان سبب المشكلة كلها و انه بازاته سترجع الأمور الى مجاريها. معظلة اليمن تبينت انها اكبر من شخص علي صالح او حتى مشروع التوريث. لم تستطع  الدولة في اليمن في ما بعد عهد صالح ان تحافظ حتى على بقايا ما تبقى لها من دورحتى اصحبنا نقرى ان الدولة تلعب دور الوسيط في فظ النزاعات المسلحة بين الاطراف المحلية؟
ثانيا : عدم محاسبة المجرمين و القتلة المأجورين لتصفية قيادات سياسية او عسكرية. اذا لم تعرف الدولة الى الان من وراء تلك العناصر فهذا تقصير كبير في اداء المؤسسات الامنية و الاستخباراتية واذا كانت  السلطة الحاكمة في تغض البصر عن المجريمين لحسابات سياسية فهذا اثيمة بحق من اهدرت دمائهم و بحق الشعب الذي يتجرع ويلات الانفلات الأمني
ثالثا: التصعيد الاعلامي الغير مسؤؤول سواء الحزبي منه اوالمستقل.. تلفيق واضح و استسهال في الكذب و تزوير الحقائق.تخلي واضح عن ابسط مبادىء المهنية الصحفية و احترام منعدم للقراء
رابعا : دائما ما دأبت الاحزاب و القوى السياسية اليمنية بالتحالف مع بعض القوى ضد البعض الاخر  . دعوة قيادات الاصلاح الاخيرة بالنظر في علاقة الاخير بعلي صالح ما هي الى مثال على ذلك. التحالفات باسبابها و تداعياتها ليست بالشر المستطير لكن المشكلة ان هذه التحالفات قائمة على مبداء التخلص من عدو يهدد وجودها كقوى توازن. في التاريخ الحديث و بعد الوحدة بين الشطرين التقى الاصلاح و المؤتمر في هدف واحد وهو استهداف  الحزب الاشتراكي ققوة لها تأثيرها في الشارع و الحكومة. اصبح الاصلاح و الحوثيين في ال2011  شركاء في العمل الثوري لاسقاط علي صالح. في لحظة ما ااختفت التباينات الفكرية و الدينية ولم تعد شاغل هم الجماعتين و شبابها.  لكن هذه الايام نقرى دعوات قيادات الاصلاح لاعادة النظر في علاقة الحزب بصالح خصوصا و بعد تقدم واضح للحوثي في عدة جبهات و مناطق . السؤال هنا مدام ان كل هذه القوى السياسية قادرة على تخطي الخلافات مع القوى الاخرى و التحالف مع بعضها البعض لماذا لا تتحاف مع بعضها البعض و ليس ضد بعضها البعض؟ بمعنى اخر لماذا لا تكون هناك الية عمل لكل القوى السياسية في التعاون على بناء دولة تظمن الحقوق لكل المواطنيين . لماذا يعجز السياسيون ان اقامة دولة المؤسسات و القانون هي في مصلحة الجميع حتى اصحاب الملايين و المليارات؟

في خضم كل كل االازمات التي تعصف في البلد احب ان اتسأئل عن دور المواطن في التأثير على الاحداث.  يعني بمعنى اخر لماذا لا يكون هناك اي تحرك مدني خالي من المناكفات الحزبية و الجهوية؟ حتى المظاهرات دائما ما تكون منظمة من قوة سياسية معروفة. هل حقا فوض شعبنا المسكين سيادته لقيادتة السياسية الغير حكيمة؟  او ان شعبنا سلم انه يدون سيادة او انه له ادنى فرصة في المطالبة بالعيش الكريم؟ لماذا التهويل على المبادرة الخليجية و الامم المتحدة و انعدام اي ذكر لاحترام القانون و الماحسبة الداخلية؟  اين دور النخب المثقفة في المدارس و الجامعات و منظمات المجتمع المدني في نشر الوعي فيما يتعلق بالمواطنة الصالحة و التنسيق مع السلطات المحلية في الارتقاء بمستوى الخدمات؟ 
ماذا تحتاج اليمن للنهوض ؟
اذا تيقنا ان القوة و الظفر لايدوم لاي طرف و من ينتصر اليوم يغلب غدا اذن  على ماذا تيتقاتل اليمنيين؟ و لماذا لم استثمار هذه الطاقات في البناء حتى يقدر للاجيال بعدنا حصد ثمار الاستقرار و التقدم بالوطن بين الأمم. 

لم نقدر في التقدم بمشروع دولة تحفظ حقوق الفرد الا عندنا نستشعر اليوم ان الوطن هي مصلحة المواطن الاولى. الانتمائات الاخرى مرحب بها على الدوام الا في حالة تهديد  السلم الاجتماعي . 
ما نحتاجه اليوم هو وطن فوق الجميع 
نحتاج ممثلين حقيقين للشعب في المجلسين 
نحتاج محافظيين و مدراء عموم كفائات من اهل البلد مش ممحاصات سياسية و حصص
نحتاج تفعيل نظام البلديات تقوية صلاحيات السلطة المحلية
الاستفادة من خبرات المناطق و الدول الاخرى.في كفى المجالات

"هل ينتظر اليمنيون مخلص من السماء لكي تتحسن اوضاعنا؟ شعبنا من اكثر الشعوب تحدثا في السياسة لكن هذا يقابله عمل قليل في بناء مؤسسات دولة حقيقة، فترى نفس الشخص الذي كان يناقش الفساد السياسي على مستوى الكبير في المقيل عصرا، قد ذهب متأخرا الى عمله اليوم الثاني، ولم يبالي في تسهيل معاملة المواطن المسكين الذي يدق على باب مكتبه طوال ايام الاسبوع. في المقابل ترى الشخص ينتقد هذاك المسؤول هذا او ذاك لاسباب غير موضوعية وانما بسبب حسابات حزبية او مناطقية!"

اين تاريخنا الحديث في مناهجنا العتيقة ؟

9:31 PM Posted by Ala No comments
مناهج التاريخ في التعليم الاساسي و الثانوي في معظم دول العالم هي كالأتي
- تاريخ الحضارات القديمة و الاديان
- تاريخ حضارات الالفية الاولى - الممالك و الامبراطوريات و السلطنات
- عصور التنوير و الثورة الصناعية و الاستعمار
- و اهم شي التاريخ الحديث و بالاخص المتعلق بالدولة

*** عندنا في اليمن اذا انته تخصص علمي فانته تلقائيا محروم من مادة التاريخ في المرحلة الثانوية. غير هذا حتى في المرحلة الابتدائية و المتوسطة 4-10 التاريخ الي يدرس محصور في فترات بعيدة عن التاريخ الحديث. حضارات المنطقة القديمة و الحضارة الاسلامية. و بالمقابل لا اتذكر ان تعلمت اي شي عن التاريخ الحديث لليمن غير ارقام و تواريخ حفظناها عن ظهر قلب - ثورة سبتمبر و اكتوبر و نوفمبر و ووحدة مايو. الحرب الاهلية الامريكية 1861-1865 جزء رئيسي من منهج التاريخ في المرحلة الثانوية في امريكا و نحنا ما درسونا حتى تفاصيل الثورات في الستينات فما بالك بالصراعات الداخلية الي لحقتها
سؤال: لجنة تطوير و تحديث المناهج ايش شغله بالضبط؟ يعني كل سنة يحدثوا التاريخ المطبوع على الكتاب بدون ادنى تغيير للمحتوى. خذ كتاب طبع في 2000 و كتاب طبع في 2013 وشوف بنفسك اذا في اي اضافات. صعب تتحسن اوضاعنا و تعليمنا في الحضيض. التعليم الصح مش الي يحشوا دماغك بمعلومات غير مترابطة . التعليم الصح هو الي يقيم الفرد و المواطن الصالح الي يخلق فيه شعور بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية. و مشكلة التعليم في اليمن اننا اوكلنا زمامه الى السياسيين المتصارعيين على السلطة حتى اصبح المربي المتحزب لا يمانع ابدا في حث الطلاب على العصيان المدني امتثالا لدعوة حزبه. و الله المستعان

Friday, July 18, 2014

اجت 2014 ( مع ترجمة نصية ) 20

5:47 PM Posted by Ala No comments

قصة فلسطين و الوطن العربي الاليمة 
The Palestinian And Arab Tragedy

فيديو القصيدة

و هذي كلمات القصيدة مع الترجمة
اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
ولسا الاستيطان يزيد And still settlements are increasing
وع الجبل بيوت القرميد And on the mountain brick houses are built
والقدس الحرة والاقصى And Jerusalem and Aqsa
كـــل لحظة فيها تهويد in every second it’s being Judaiszed

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
ولسا شعبي منقسمين And still my people are divided
فـــــتحاوي وحمساويين Fatah and Hamas
خــضرة او صــفرة رايتنا Green or yellow are our flags
ونـــسينا علم فلسطين And we have forgotten the Palestinian Flag

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
عم نمشي بالعكس رجوع We are going backwards
صوتي وصوتك مش مسموع My voice and your voice is not heard
وشــعبي باليرموك محاصر And my people in Yarmuk is blockaded
أطفآل مــاتو من الــجـــوع Children starving to death

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
والأسرى حآلتهم صعبة And prisoners living in challenging circumstances
بزيدوآ من يوم النَكبة They are growing (in number) since Nakba
وبكل أسرة بتلقى أسرى And from every family there is a prisoner
الله يكون بعونك شَعبي Allah helps my people

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
ولسآ بنوقف ع المحصوم And we are still stopping at Mahsoom
والجندي يفتش الهدوم And the soldier is checking us
من ال 48 Since 48
شعبي بعآني كل يوم My people are struggling everyday

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
ولسآ بنفآوض ع الفآضي And we are still negotiating in vain
مآ تعلمنآ الدرس المآضي We have not learned from past lessons
كيف نحقق إنجازآت How will we make accomplishments?
والسيف العَربي مش مآضي And the Arabic sword is not stripped

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
سيدي عبد الله بستنى Uncle Abdullah is still waiting
هو وجآره الخوري حنآ He and his neighbour AlKhuri are homesick
يعودوآ على حيفآ وعلى يافآ To go back to Haifa and Yafa
وعلى بيسآن وكفر كنآ And to Baysan and Kufur Kana

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
ولسآ مآ عنآ مطآر And we still do not have an airport
ولآ طيآرة ولآ طيآر Neither plane nor a pilot
واسرآئيل بتهتف إنهآ And Israel is declaring
بتسرق وبتضم الاغوآر it is blundering and annexing the valleys

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
لسآ الصَهيوني بيتآمر The Zionist  is still conspiring
والاستيطآن بيتكآثر And settlements are reproducing
وشعبي الي بالنقب بيهتف And my Naqab people are protesting
مش ممكن يمر برآفر To stop Prawer Plan

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
ولساتنآ بنرفع رايآت And we are still raising flags
وبنغني للتنظيمآت And we are singing for organisations
والوحدة الوطنية صآرت And national unity became
هتافآت وشعارآت Chants and slogans

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
الطآلب لمآ يتخرج The student when he graduates
على حآلو بيقعد يتفَرج He sits down and waits
والعآمل قآعد بداره And the worker is staying in his home
لآ في مصنع ولآ في منتج There is no factory nor production

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
وحآلة الموظف حآلة And the employee is in bad condition
بحلم بالصرآف الآلي dreaming of the ATM
هَمو كيف يطعمي عيآله Worrying about how to feed his kids
وكل شي بوطَني سعره غآلي And everything, in my country, is expensive

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
الشعب العربي محتآر The Arab people are confused
مين اللي يسمي الختيآر Who names The Old Man?
 سنين وغريمك مخفي 8 Eight years and your enemy is unknown
سامحنآ يآ ابو عمآر Forgive us ya Abo Ammar
يآ ريت الدنيآ بتتبدل I wish the world had changed
وعمرك طول بَس شوية And you could live only little longer
يآ ريت الدنيآ بتتغير I wish the world had changed
وعمرك طَول بَس شوية And you could live only little longer
كآن الحآل إلي وصلنآ له Our situation that we have reached now
عَكسي بهالدنيآ العكسية Could have been different
لو تدري شو بعدك صآير Only if you know how we’ve become after you
يآ رمز الثورة العربية You Symbol of the Arab Revolution
تقسمنآ وصاروآ يقولوآ We are divided and they are saying
غزآوية وضفآوية Gazans and West Bankers
تقسمنآ وصاروآ يقولوآ We are divided and they are saying
فتحآوية وحمسآوية Fatah and Hamas
تقسمنآ وصاروآ يقولوآ We are divided and they are saying
جهآد وجَبهة شعبية Jihad and Popular Front
صَآر اللي مآ بسوى صَندل This who is not worth a sandal
يتطآول على الكوفية is insulting the person with keffiyeh

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
وشيوخ الدعوة بالحارة And sheikhs in our neighbourhood
خلو امتنا محـــــتارة They left our ummah confused
مـختلفين انو الـــمرأة هل They debate on whether the woman
مسموح تسوق السيارة is allowed to drive or not

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
الأمريكي وصل المريخ The American has reached Mars
واحنآ أبدعنآ في الطَبيخ And we got creative in cooking
والإنجآز العربي الأول And the Arab biggest accomplishment is
أكبر منسف في التآريخ The grandest dish in history

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
والوضع السوري منهآر And the Syrian situation deteriorates
ضرب وذبح وقتل ونآر Shelling, slaughter, murder and fire
ضآعت سوريآ مآ بين Syria is lost between
الجيش الحر وبشآر The Free Syrian Army and Bashar

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
بغداد تكبر تــكبير Baghadad is making takbir
كل سآعة بيحصل تفجير Every hour an explosion takes place
واليمن وتونس وليبيآ And in Yemen, Tunisia and Libya
شو اللي عم يجرى ويصير what is happening in there?

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
والسودآن مقسم ضآيع And Sudan is divided and lost
وبالبَحرين بيغلي الشآرع And in Bahrain the streets are boiling
وفي لبنآن التفجيرآت And in Lebanon the detonations
والشَعب الصومآلي جآئع And the Somali people are hungry

أجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
ولـــسا القــصــة زي ما هـي The same story is selfsame
في دولة مـــــــصر الـــعربية in Arab State of Egypt
ناس بتهتف عــاش السيسي People celebrating Sisi
وناس بتهتف مرسي الشرعية And others protest for for Morsi’s legitimacy

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
والصَهيوني قآعد متهني The Zionist is relaxed and calm
نتفرق أكثر مستني Waiting for us to be divided further
وإحنآ لسآ مسيحي ومسلم And we are still fighting over Christian and Muslim
كردي ودرزي وشيعي وسني  Kurd, Druze, Shiite and Sunni

اجت 2014 Two thousand fourteen has come
شآدي وقآسم ممنوعين ٍShadi and Kasim are prohibited from
يزوروآ ال 48 visiting the 48 territories
والجاليآت العربية And in Arabic communities
نغني فيهآ مرفوضين We are prohibited from singing
بدنآ نحكي ومآ في عيب We want to speak without a shame
معروفة القصة عَن غيب The story is known by heart
التهمة أنو غنينآ اضرب اضرب تَل أبيب Our accusation is that we sang "strike strike Tel Aviv"!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Reflections on Turkish pro and anti-government demonstrations

12:10 AM Posted by Ala No comments

Well... there are foreigners among "Gezi Park" protesters but so are there among "Kazlıçeşme" ralliers. Foreigners, please get your butt out of internal affairs and support your side with your heart ONLY! You only mess things around. It is not your country and you are not entitled to a vote. Today we wanted to go to Taksim Sunday market to buy food supplies but the metro was closed to Taksim. We decided to walk the 20-minute way instead. Although we noticed a lot of riot police and we could smell fresh gassed air as we walked, we did not expect that protesters will be gathering in the same place. We reached a point where we had to run back as police water hoses started firing. I lost my friends Yassir & Zabih as I took shelter in a nearby shopping center with other protesters. The stores owners were nice to allow us in so that nobody gets hurt. I remained silent as I was not a protester myself ( also I barely know Turkish so I cannot say much). It was short after street was cleared and we got out. As I was passing, I saw one police person with a gun shouting and later kicking a seemingly peaceful protester. I don't know what had happened so I cannot make a judgement but certainly I felt very bad as just because you have your police uniform and gun, you can bully people. I've seen same situation before in Yemen with a worse part that once a trooper ( in  Yemen army & national guard are sometimes used for riot police) gets in fight with a protester, his colleagues would join him in beating up that protester. I think I am lost in detail now but the point I am trying to make here is that I realized today that I am more affected by current developments than I thought. I pray that Turkish people will find ways to resolve their issues. People have to compromise. I've heard protesters today calling Erdogan to resign. I find this a bit  "unrealistic" as people who accepted democracy, should respect what people chose for themselves. You did not vote for Erdogan so you cannot expect his policies to be in alignment with your wishes. Equally, calling people "traitors" is also wrong. I think anti-government protesters love their country as much as others do but the problem is that when you embrace an ideaology of any kind,it makes you automatically hate ( and prejudiced against)  a certain group and that is exactly what is happening. Foreigners, if you are here for study and work and would like to continue doing so, please help preserve the social fabric. Crisis stagnates economy and many other things and that will not help you during your stay here. 

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nasser Gazdar, the Gentle Man

10:41 PM Posted by Ala No comments

It was destiny that made me meet this great person. One day, I went to the mosque to pray and on my way back home on the us I met him. He offered to take me on a tour around the city especially when he learned that I was an exchange student. And it was a sensible decision that I made to accept his offer because it was very beneficial to be in company with him. After that he was my mentor. As a matter of fact, he was more than that. He was like my father. He’s done me enormous favors. After finishing the Sunday school, I usually called him and he was always willing to take me around the city. In a lot of times, he invited me for lunch. He didn’t want me to pay a penny and he always said “ I am like your father, or grandfather”. I really didn’t know how to thank him , but he never expect anything back from me. He did so for the sake of God as I strongly believed. We often went to department stores and every time I went there, I would have fantastic experience . I really have benefitted from his life experiences. Whenever I had problems, he would advise me and help me out. He is more that what I can describe in words. This is why I felt that I was not too nice to him. I used to see him every week.  I felt so relieved when I was in his company because he would treat me nicely and if he had some tips or comments, he presented them in a way that was never offensive. He often introduced me to his friends and sometimes his college students as he is a Geology professor. His students are so lucky to have him teach them in college. He also introduced me to some places in Hawaii that I wouldn’t have had the chance to visit if I were alone. Concerning the fact he is of a Pakistani origin and I am Yemeni, that was never a hurdle to understand each other well. We communicated with each other in English. There was something interesting about it. Although English is not my mother language, I felt that I was speaking Arabic when I was dealing with him. The conversations and the discussion we had were like normal dialectal Arabic conversations that I have with my family. Although he suffered from some knee pains, he never refused to take me around . How gracious this man is! May God reward him with PARADISE,  and help him throughout his life. I really hope that I can see him soon.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mr. Lyles

11:11 AM Posted by Ala No comments
One of the most influential persons in my life in America. He seemed so strange to me because of his think and long hair. He is nicknamed as " Albert Einstein" because he, Mr. Lyles and Albert Einstein the Genius are kind of look the same. He never stops joking with me. Sometimes I felt them a little insulting, but he always reminded me that they were just jokes and that when he stops joking, it means he stops loving that person.So I never took them as insulting anymore and treated them as "funny jokes". He really helped me adapt to the school environment very much because he introduced me to a lot of students.In the classroom, he always share stories with the other classmates about me and my country and I feel very pleasant.I also had enjoyed some kind of debates about the currents. Sometimes if he sees me eating alone in the cafe, he would come and make a conversation with me. His kindness is indescribable. Thanks to him. He will always remain within my heart.